2022年9月30日 英语四六级第二阶段第一时段 报名截止 11月19日-20日口试 12月10日笔试 正是紧张备考时 珞珞珈珈拍了拍你 并送上一份魔法“备考题” 快来一起对“暗号”吧~ 01 F-Forthcoming Forthcoming means… A. 直截了当的 C. 第四个过来的 B. 马上,立刻 D. 即将...
very important 重要的→of great importance; very difficult 困难的→of great difficulty; very beautiful 美丽的→of great beauty; very useful 有用的→of great use; very helpf...
Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study. 14.come up with替换think of Jack is very clever. He often comes up with ( thinks of ) new ideas. 15.set aside替换save Some students think that they should set aside some of their p...
你以为考研英语一难,英语二就能简单了?事实证明,英语二也不是吃素的……据说,这两个单词,难倒无数人: 首先来看两个单词的正确意思, 结果有人表示,考前背的,考试中居然都不认识…… 还有...
4. …brings great harm to sb/sth 5. …seriously threaten the natural environment 6. …pose a harm to … 三、表示阐述不同观点的句型 1. There are some people who hold differe...
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